Neighborhood Revitalization: Blight Removal

The Plan 11 Extension neighborhood, the neighborhood with the highest number of blighted and abandoned structures and highest percentage of residents below poverty, was targeted to begin the blight removal program. AEDC purchased 38 blighted parcels in this neighborhood from the Beaver County Repository. Nineteen of the properties were removed. A Resale Program was established for side yard purchases of the cleared lots.
PA CareerLink Partnership

AEDC’s partnership with PA CareerLink provides access to resources such as resume building, interviewing skills, and job access to Aliquippa residents. Facilitated through the B.F. Jones Library, these services are in place to ensure that residents have an opportunity to go after jobs and get access to those resources they normally wouldn’t have.
Neighborhood Revitalization: Housing Rehabilitation

Each year since 2017, 20 houses in Aliquippa are selected for the housing rehabilitation program as a way to provide an affordable means for homeowners to perform needed repairs and updates. The program has worked to help homeowners maintain their homes and to lessen the chances of them becoming blighted properties.
B.F. Jones Media Library

The B.F. Jones Media Library has a state-of-the-art computer system and green room where Aliquippa businesses can film and edit video and commercials. These resources are utilized by organizations such as Aliquippa Impact, and the B.F. Jones Library. The facility is available to any organization within the city limits that would like access.